What Is Page Speed

First, we need to clarify how page speed plays a vital role in website ranking on Google and How we will optimize our page speed or loading time.
Page speed is the amount of time it takes for a web page to load or we can say the time took on loading a website on your browser, It is also called loading time. If page speed is slow means the user doesn't wait till loading and comes back to their home screen this will impact SEO ranking and also decreasing traffic on our website.

Here are the reasons, you should care: 

Impact Analytics- Generally speaking a faster site will record more visitors because the analytics tools will load sooner. If a person leaves before the analytics tools are loading on-page, they won't be recorded in the analytics system.
Impact User experience- If your website took time for loading images and videos, it is frustrating for website visitors and they left the website even without reading content, they will not come again on our website. The first impression is the last impression so we need to focus on loading all data properly without any issue so we will get more traffic on the website.
There is no official threshold for page loading/speed. One of the common recommendations is that your site should load in less than three seconds.

Website page speed test

There are a couple of ways to reduce your page load time but for me, I would say you need to focus on the below-mentioned techniques to reduce your website load time.

  • Check the current speed of the website- How you check your website page speed, You should search page speed on Google, You see many tools for checking page speed, but recommended you click on Page Speed Insights- Google developers  (First link on Google), Enter you website URL and analyze page speed and find what factor decrease your website speed.

  • Optimize your images- Most of the errors occur in image extension, mean we uploaded png, jpeg, jpg, etc but google announce next-generation image extension (formats) that is JPEG2000, JPEG XR and WebP has superior compression quality. This means they produce smaller image files so you can improve your page speed. 
  • Don't scale down images.
  • Place JavaScript and CSS in external files.
  • Minimize HTTP requests.
  • Compress and optimize your content.
  • Reduce redirects.
  • Reduce server response time.
  • Put script references at the bottom.
Website page speed test


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